Out-of-network services are from doctors, hospitals, and/or other health care professionals (“Out-of-Network Providers”) that have not contracted with your Antidote plan. Services by Out-of-network Providers may be a higher cost than providers who are in your health plan network. Depending on the Out-of-Network Provider and the service rendered to you, the service could cost more or not be paid at all by your plan. Charging this extra amount is called balance billing. In cases like these, you will be responsible for paying for what your plan does not cover. Balance billing will be waived for emergency services received at an out-of-network facility.
A claim is a request to an insurance company for payment of health care services. Usually, providers file claims with us on your behalf. If you received services from an out-of-network provider, and if that provider does not submit a claim to us, you can file the claim directly. There are time limits on how long you have to submit claims, with details on the limit by state below. You can also check your specific plan’s claims filing time limit information to determine the specific time limit for submitting your claim.
Enrollee medical claim submission and claim filing time limit information:
State (Maximum Claim Filing Time Limit)
AZ and OH (1 year from the date of service)
To submit a request for reimbursement for a claim you paid, follow these steps:
Antidote Health Plan
PO Box 39638
Solon, OH 44139
You are required to pay your premium by the scheduled due date. If you do not do so, your coverage could be canceled. For most individual health care plans, if you do not pay your premium on time, you will receive a 30-day grace period. A grace period is a time period when your plan will not terminate even though you did not pay your premium. Any claims submitted for you during that grace period will be pended. When a claim is pended, that means no payment will be made to the provider until your delinquent premium is paid in full. If you do not pay your delinquent premium by the end of the 30-day grace period, your coverage will be terminated. If you pay your full outstanding premium before the end of the grace period, we will pay all claims for covered services you received during the grace period that are submitted properly. If you have an individual HMO plan in Arizona or Ohio, we will pay your claims during the 30-day grace period; however, your benefits will terminate if your delinquent premium is not paid by the end of that grace period.
If you are enrolled in an individual health care plan offered on the Health Insurance Marketplace and you receive an advance premium tax credit, you will get a 3-month grace period and we will pay all claims for covered services that are submitted properly during the first month of the grace period. During the second and third months of that grace period, any claims you incur will be pended. If you pay your full outstanding premium before the end of the 3-month grace period, we will pay all claims for covered services that are submitted properly for the second and third months of the grace period. If you do not pay all of your outstanding premium by the end of the 3-month grace period, your coverage will terminate, and we will not pay for any pended claims submitted for you during the second and third months of the grace period. Your provider may balance bill you for those services.
A retroactive denial is the reversal of a claim we have already paid. If we retroactively deny a claim we have already paid for you, you will be responsible for payment. Some reasons why you might have a retroactive denial include having a claim that was paid during the second or third month of a grace period or having a claim paid for a service for which you were not eligible.
You can avoid retroactive denials by paying your premiums on time and in full and making sure you talk to your provider about whether the service performed is a covered benefit.
You can also avoid retroactive denials by obtaining your medical services from an in-network provider.
If you believe you have paid too much for your premium and should receive a refund, please call our Member Services team at 888-623-3195 (TTY/711) or the telephone number on the back of your ID card.
We must approve some services before you obtain them. This is called prior authorization or preservice review. For example, any kind of inpatient hospital care (except maternity care) requires prior authorization. If you need a service that we must first approve, your in-network doctor will call us for the authorization. If you don’t get prior authorization, you may have to pay up to the full amount of the charges. The telephone number to call for prior authorization is included on the ID card you receive after you enroll. Please refer to the specific coverage information you receive after you enroll.
We typically decide on requests for prior authorization for medical services within 72 hours of receiving an urgent request or within 15 days for non-urgent requests.
You can log into the member portal at antidotehealth.com/member to find out more about your pharmacy benefits. On the portal, you can find out if a drug is covered, the cost and locate a network pharmacy. Drugs that are not on your plan’s formulary (drug list) will show as Not Covered. Drugs that are not covered can be reviewed by Navitus, Antidote Health’s pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) through an Exception to Coverage (ETC) process.
For a review of possible coverage for a drug, your prescriber can submit an ETC request. The ETC form is available to prescribers on the Navitus prescriber portal at Navitus.com. You can access this form to share with your prescriber from the Antidote member portal. You can also call Navitus Customer Care at 844-268-9789 (TTY 711). They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Submission of ETC request does not guarantee approval.
If you feel we have denied the non-formulary request incorrectly, you may ask us to submit the case for an external review by an impartial, third-party reviewer known as an independent review organization (IRO). We must follow the IRO’s decision.
An IRO review may be requested by a member, member’s representative, or prescribing provider by sending a written request to us at the address provided in the determination letter or by calling our Member Services team at 888-623-3195 (TTY/711) or the number listed on the back of your ID card.
For initial standard exception review of medical requests, the timeframe for review is 72 hours from when we receive the request.
For initial expedited exception review of medical requests, the timeframe for review is 24 hours from when we receive the request.
For external review of standard exception requests that were initially denied, the timeframe for review is 72 hours from when we receive the request.
For external review of expedited exception requests that were initially denied, the timeframe for review is 24 hours from when we receive the request.
To request an expedited review for exigent circumstance, call the member service number on the back of your ID card.
When we process a claim submitted by you or your health care provider, we explain how we processed it on an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form.
The EOB is not a bill. It explains how your benefits were applied to that particular claim. It includes for example the date you received the service, the amount billed, the amount covered, the amount we paid, and any balance you’re responsible for paying the provider. Each time you receive an EOB, review it closely and compare it to the receipt or statement from the provider. If you need assistance interpreting your EOB, please contact our Member Services team at 888-623-3195 (TTY/711)
Coordination of benefits (COB) is required when you are covered under one or more additional group or individual plan, such as one sponsored by your spouse’s employer. An important part of coordinating benefits is determining the order in which the plans provide benefits. One plan provides benefits first. This is called the primary plan. The primary plan provides its full benefits as if there were no other plans involved. The other plans then become secondary.
In the event there is any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this “Transparency in Coverage” notice and any of the provisions of the member’s Evidence of Coverage, the provisions of the member’s Evidence of Coverage shall control.